Stonehell Play Reports


I started GM'ing the megadungeon Stonehell at my local game store in January 2024. I'd been itching to do one of these for a while, and I wanted to make it sustainable, so I set a few rules for myself.

  • Open table, 2 player minimum
    • Help with the problems of wrangling people to play
    • Maybe encourage people to make it to more sessions so they don't miss anything
  • Strict 2.5 hour sessions
    • I get sleepy 
    • Shorter games prevent burnout
  • Weekly sessions
    • I need it in my veins
  • Minimal prep
    • Again, burnout
    • The book for Stonehell is great, can just open it and run, only requires a brief readthrough

Another thing I needed to decide on was, of course, system. Now I've been doing some solo stuff with Ava Islam's Errant, but I wasn't sure about using it for a drop-in kind of game. I went with Yochai Gal's Cairn instead, as its rules-light and super quick to roll up a new character when someone joins (or dies). I added on some of the downtime procedures from Errant, as well as dungeon and travel turns. So far they've worked great together!

Play Reports Here


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