Stonehell Session 7

wolf murder

orc murder

bad luck magic wheel

Emrys the magic user
Willard the scrivener
Casamir the ascetic
Breagle the rogue

I rolled to check for restocking, and some spitting cobras had moved into the gatehouse.

Set out for Stonehell, 3rd day of Sunrise, spring. Cloudy weather.

The order of chalk to deal with the large slime was received by the party, and they bought some tools to drop off at the tool library by Stonehell's entrance.

They made it to the gatehouse without a problem, headed straight for the slime and pelted it with chalk til it died. Found an emerald at its core.

They dropped their stuff off at the tool library, and decided to deal with some wolves. Emrys took time to prepare an ice wall spell, that would block the wolves in their cave, and provide a platform to shoot from. The plan went flawlessly, and the slaughter was completed. Cas spared the baby wolf, and felt really bad about the death. Poor guy keeps running into dogs :(

They ventured into Stonehell and began mapping.

The first thing they did was walk down a hallway and knock on a door, opening it to find 8 orcs prepared for a confrontation. Their leader stepped forward, willing to parley, but before any words passed his lips, Cas fired a bolt through his head.

The orcs charged the doorway, and Emrys split them up with another ice wall. Half the orcs tried to break through the wall to get to their comrades, the surviving two hid in a corner, out of reach of sword and sling. This didn't stop Emrys from Commanding one orc to drag the other close to the murderhole. They were both made short work of.

The other orcs made their escape.

The party looted, and followed. The orcs had fled to a dead end, and were holed up hoping the party wouldn't pursue. They did. The orcs were murdered. Someone got a scar

The party found a wheel, 50% happy faces and 50% sad. They rolled twice and got sad faces, for some unlucky results.

A group of shiba-inu like kobolds knocked on the door. Luckily Willard the Scholar spoke kobold, and talked to them a little about Stonehell while they began mopping up the orc mess. He found out about Kobold Corners, their little camp in the southeast quadrant. He also got directions to Da Dragon.

They left the kobolds to their work and left the dungeon for Stonehome.
Casamir retired, deciding that his promise to St. Ras to eliminate the evil of Stonehell, was actually a promise to destroy the evil within himself. He left for the capitol with his new wolf pup.

GM thoughts

Need to think of the consequences for killing the orcs. -4 or something to reaction rolls?
The wolves in the valley are dead. There will be more goats, more wandering rabid racoons, more creatures getting into their ration stash?
The company has begun storing stuff at the Inn. I think Skinny Dick the inn keeper is going to start charging more as her rooms begin filling up with rope, chalk, arrows, and shitty goblin weapons.


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