Stonehell Session 13




stock photo of someone holding a dagger, with a shadow behind it of the hand and dagger

Emrys the mage
Gringle the farmboy
Henar the imperial scholar

16th of Sprout

Started out hiring some laborers to install a locked door in the newly cleared out racoon chambers, and moving all the equipment from the tool library to their new forward operating base. They left the laborers behind to delve into the dungeon.

The Seekers returned to the tombs they avoided looting last time to follow up on the detect metal wand readings without dealing with orcs breathing over their shoulders. After barbequing some undead and hiding from "Da Dragon", they gathered upwards of 9000 gold pieces

(note: i made a rule that the wand detects only 1000 coins or more, and mistakenly had it point to piles of less than 1000 coins. I just decided to give the party the gold. oops. its ok, if it were something with gold for xp that might mess the game up a little, but because we're playing cairn they have to come up with creative ways to spend it.)

They spent some time ferrying the fortune to their FOB, and hired on the laborers as guards. With one last grave room to loot, they went back in.

The Hellseekers carefully investigated a shrine to some cult of death, making sure not to touch anything. With another use of the wand, they discovered a hidden wall made of packed earth and bones that they demolished. Inside was a fancy chest which they carried back up and cracked open.

(Another special note, had rolled a few times for encounter signs for giant weasels but could not get a random encounter roll. The dice were on the players' sides)

With a tentative base now secured, and a small fortune acquired, things are really starting to heat up.

New adventurers are beginning to trickle in from the capitol, which the Hellseekers will soon have to deal with. The orcs have started expanding now that the goblins have been cleared from the upper levels. I've also started peeking at lower levels in the dungeon to find some threats to Stonehome, and they've already been provided! A young dragon that likes to sneak about, a clan of cave trolls, and some lizardfolk that make yearly pilgrimages just to start.

Sagging Jonas and his militia are going to raid the bandits this week. We had to cancel our session, so the players should be quite surprised by the resolution.


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