Stonehell Session 4

 We got our first scars!

We bought a donkey!

We did downtime rolls!

7th of Shadows


William Irons the merchant erected a granary to combat inflation.

Elijah made progress on his search for a Sergeant of arms.

Soot made progress on her search for a healer.

Willard the Scholar searched through the mayor's private library, discovering the (incorrect) location of some magical glasses.

Bernie the Blacksmith befriended the local blacksmith Wynne and gained full access to her meager forge.


Soot, Willard, Yslen, and Timur set out from Stonehome with the intention of digging through some of the caves of Stonehell Valley. Pushing through a blizzard, they made it to the valley without a hitch. Crawling around the ruined gatehouse, they made their way towards a carved out series of rooms in the northern limestone canyon walls.

They heard some goblins in a side room, and set up a jugband/ambush to lure them out. Harmonica, pot and axe drum, longbow-bass, and washboard chainmail. The goblins rushed in, and were delighted, inviting the party to join the Wolf Gang. Some nice persuasion convinced the goblins to charge into a room holding a fire beetle, and Yslen promptly closed the door behind them. Some minutes later, one victorious goblin emerged, only to receive a bonk on the head from Yslen and Timur.

The last room held a slime and a bunch of rotting boxes, which the party saved for later.

They ventured to a southern cave, encountering some brigands staring into dark halls. After a failure to sneak up on them, Yslen and Soot the giant green tree lady charged the 4 brigands, while Timur and Willard rained arrows from afar. The brigands were slaughtered, but in the melee Yslen suffered a few cuts and Soot gained her first scar, a broken leg.

They retreated back to the goblin rooms, fed the slime some goblin corpses, camped, and made a splint out of a bow for Soot's leg. The next morning they retreated to Stonehome.

9th of Shadows

Dropping Soot and Yslen off, they picked up Ethix and Elijah, as well as pooling their money to purchase a donkey and a wagon. They set out again.

Reaching the corpses of the bandits, the party put together that some wolves had been at the corpses, but fled before they arrived. Entering the carved tunnels, Timur sensed a chill, deeper cold than the weather outside, and a foreboding sense of evil.

Down one hallway, they found an alter carved with Runes of Chaos, and in recording them, Willard found a button and a hidden drawer. Pressing the button from afar with a thrown rock, the drawer sprung open unleashing an unholy blue light. The drawer had long ago been looted.

In the other room, 6 skeletons with blue-black eye sockets charged the party. They were broken to pieces, and in the process Elijah received a SCAR, in the form of an infection. The skeletons, however, began to reassemble. They kicked the heads away from their bodies, and Timur cast Ward, which blocked the skulls from returning to their bones and reassembling. Elijah grabbed a silver crown encrusted with dark sapphires from one of the skulls.

Thinking the crown had something to do with the empty hidden drawer, they messed around with the trap for a while, with Elijah exposing himself to the blue light and taking some STR damage. In the end, Elijah placed the crown on his head, which quickly attached itself to him, granting him the power to INFLICT WOUNDS 1/day.

Reaching the end of the 2.5 hour session, the party returned to Stonehome.


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