Stonehell 13.5 - Interlude

One of the factions in Stonehome consists of a bounty hunter from the capitol named Sagging Jonas. He was contracted to come and take care of some bandits that sprung up by one of the Generals of the Imperial Army. Since the army is deployed elsewhere currently, and there is a bit of a stigma for deploying a standing military on Imperial soil, the Imps tend to solve things via contracted bounty hunters/militias/mercenaries. 

Given an Imperial Writ and a chest of gold, Jonas decided to build a militia to take on the bandits, as well as calling in a favor from an Imperial Frontier Warden to get some assistance for his new recruits.

This was going to be a full session, but we had to cancel. I had to keep my promise, however, so the militia still confronted the bandits that day. This is how I notified my players of the results.

Sam Elliott

The Flight of the Ghost Beggars: as told by Ygwal the potato digger during celebration at Skinny Dick’s Halfway Inn.

Captain Jonas rounded up us militia and had us marchin’ out at dawn. He helped us put our armor on the right way round, and showed us how to march in formation. We reached that devil valley by noon, and filed up the cliffside to get around to their hideaway.

The whole time Captain Jonas kept his eyes peeled on the cliffs, til he saw a flash of green and let off a wicked grin. Scared us a bit, but not enough to run. 

We made our way to the entrance to the cave system and formed up ranks right outside the mouth, and Jonas limped forward. He yelled and demanded parley, tellin them if they didn’t we’d march on in there and root ‘em out like rats. Eventually one of them with a black and white checkered bandana came out, skinny little twerp, to the cap’n. 

They had them a back’n’forth for a bit, and he marched back into the cave. Jonas told us we might have to fight, but wait for his signal.

A crew of 10 more came out, with them black n yellow bandanas on, had on lots of armor and swords. Wasn’t sure us 15 new recruits would be able to take them. That was until Jonas gave a little wave and arrows started raining down from the cliffside behind them. We could see four Imperial Wardens, minders of the frontier, and each of their arrows struck true. The bandits were routed and fled back to the cave. 

After another long bit of waiting, a few bandits started trickling out, and the skinny twerp came out with a white flag and a slashed arm. Overheard him tell Jonas, most of the Ghost Beggars would be happy to sign onto the militia, for salary of course. The dissenters, along with the former leader Zorrel Gnast, took all the gold and were attempting to fly out the back entrance and into the dungeon proper, and some infighting was going on. 

We heard shouts and a scuffle, then the rest of the 30 or so odd bandits came out and swore themselves to Jonas, joining the militia. We won and we didn’t even have to poke any of them.

Didn’t end up pursuing Gnast into the cave, we let him go and marched back to Stonehome. The Captain had us set up a camp, and he took a few of us back to the Capitol with his Imperial Writ to secure materials and workers to build us up a fort. Seems like Stonehome ain’t much of a backwater anymore.

He left the negotiator, Hethwaine, in charge as his second in command, pretty nice guy now that he’s got food and lodging secured. Mayor wasn’t too happy with the power shift, but its not like he’s got a full squadron to back him up now.


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