Stonehell Session 8

zombie eliminators

angel blood

dungeon mapping

18th of Sunrise, early spring

Elijah, cursed cleric
Breagle, realist bandit
Emrys, mage
Aurora, newbie
Soot, tree giant

Willard the scribe spent a week recruiting an apprentice from the locals.
Soot and the witch shared a kiss, allowing the demon to travel between their bodies and learning how to make a healing mud/spit concoction.
Elijah recruited a trainer of Strength, Strongman Guisarme, from the capital.
Bernie returned to town with Snorri the Dwarf, knowing how to forge mythril platemail.

The party set out for Stonehell. At the gatehouse, they discovered it had been repopulated by earless goblin zombies, when they saw a leg sticking down through one of the murderholes. In a quick entry to the gatehouse, the seekers tried to get rid of the zombie menace. Knocking down two zombies, they realized it would take more than swords when one of the creatures bit Aurora behind the knee, spreading its infection to her and cursing her to change over into undeath over the next 4 days.

The party led a strategic retreat, and Emrys used his wall of flames to mop up the zombies.
Soot, recognizing the dire situation Aurora had been put in, dragged her back to the Witch Cannora. There, Cannora offered to either take the leg off, or conduct a ritual with the single dose of Angel blood she had. Aurora took the blood. After a long ritual full of unholy screaming, Aurora walked out healed but changed.

The party slept the night, and left for Stonehell again.

Picking up some supplies from the tool library (1/6 chance it will be ravaged by rabid raccoons now that wolves are dead) they headed into the dungeon. They climbed across a pit trap, running into some kobolds having a roly poly cookout.

Befriending the shiba-inu-esque kobolds with a few gifts of rations and gold, they mimed and communicated through pictures, asking for directions to the kobold village. Pipesqueek understood, took their map, and drew a rough line to where Kobold Corner is located, marking off some skulls along the way. For another ration, he agreed to wait by the one-way door to let them back through.

They passed through a few intersections, making their way to the Contested Corridors, and found that the Pipesqueek's directions led them right next to the Open Sore Orc camp.

Aurora peeked through a peephole in a door and took a spear to the face, falling unconscious and bleeding profusely. 4 orcs rushed out, 1 sounding an alarm bell.

Soot quickly cast Ward, trapping the orcs in place. Breagle used Emrys Pegasus Feather to make Aurora light as a feather and drag her out, and Emrys cast wall of flames, igniting the orcs stuck inside the ward. They died, squealing as dying pigs do.

Answering the alarm, the rest of the orc tribe, as well as their chief, arrived at the scene. Seeing the massacre, he raised his sword, pointing it at Emrys, and swore something in Orcish. The Seekers quickly fled the scene.

With a few uneventful dice rolls they made it back to Stonehome, Aurora just barely surviving.


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