
Showing posts from May, 2024

Stonehell Session 15

~ good old fashioned dungeon crawling ~ ~ danse macabre ~ ~ bandit juice ~ Danse Macabre, The Chambermaid and the Housekeeper, After the Danse Macabre of the Holy Innocents’ Cemetery in Paris,  Guyot Marchant, 1485 previous play reports here

Stonehell Session 14

~Investment~ ~Bandit Hunting~ ~Petrification~ Cockatrice from Delicious in Dungeon

Stonehell 13.5 - Interlude

One of the factions in Stonehome consists of a bounty hunter from the capitol named Sagging Jonas. He was contracted to come and take care of some bandits that sprung up by one of the Generals of the Imperial Army. Since the army is deployed elsewhere currently, and there is a bit of a stigma for deploying a standing military on Imperial soil, the Imps tend to solve things via contracted bounty hunters/militias/mercenaries.  Given an Imperial Writ and a chest of gold, Jonas decided to build a militia to take on the bandits, as well as calling in a favor from an Imperial Frontier Warden to get some assistance for his new recruits. This was going to be a full session, but we had to cancel. I had to keep my promise, however, so the militia still confronted the bandits that day. This is how I notified my players of the results. Sam Elliott

Solo Mothership S.3

artifacts galore panic in the guts solace, answers, and questions 28a - 5:00 i found a small metal room with a corpse in the center. its abdomen was torn open. i saw something reflect from the flashlight. i reached in and pulled out 6 dark marbles, covered in gore. i ran. 25b - 5:10 fancy bathroom with smashed porcelain. some writing scrawled on a mirror about the minotaur? screws were loose so i pried it open. found a custom rigging gun with a note “ishmael sends his regards”. barbed harpoon, and a battery pack that looks like it’ll send off a mean shock. also found a small plastic canister. 25a - 5:20 an empty lounge. leather recliners and an empty bar. elevator and a fancy electronically locked door. took the lift up. 22c - 5:50 long ass squeaky elevator ride. pretty unnerving. 22b - 6:00 i found a reception area. a corpse swings from an electrical cord, dripping. i think i found the exit. 22a - 6:10 i took a long winding staircase up, until the gravity dropped out. pushing myself f

Solo Mothership S.2

first panic fail gearing up diver encounters 34b - 2:20 blown out computer terminals, burst open with cables like entrails. they’re arranged in some sort of latticework at the center. i edged around. i managed to find a live wire, and i jury rigged a charger for the drone. 2 more hours of battery. 34c - 2:30 a gaping void, stinking of burning plastic. i saw a few bouts of electricity passing through the air in the distance. nope. 34d - 3:00 ran into someone. her name is neal. nearly put a harpoon straight through her. long steel cylindrical hall, carved in the walls in every single language was “Born to Suffer”. Freaked me the fuck out, tried to fly through as fast as possible, ended up running into neal. pissed her off pretty bad. told me i could head back to that one maintenance hatch and it would lead me off the station, but she wouldn’t tell me much else. wouldn’t come with me. wouldn’t let me follow. 27a - 3:20 finally got some g’s back. crawled through the vents forever, finally

Solo Mothership S.1

wanted to play a little, but i don't want to run it rn and don't know anyone nearby who's gonna run it soon. trying out the gradient descent megadungeon. been thinking a lot about nihei's manga. rolled up Lesli Sartin, they/them, teamster, sharp cheekbones. vacsuit, rigging gun, salvage droid w/ 2 hours of charge. patched overalls. backpatch reading [DO YOU SIGN MY PAYCHECKS?]. they woke up frozen in a cryopod at the center of the megastructure Gradient Descent 33c - 0:10 i woke up in an improvised cryochamber. the pods are jury rigged, there are 9 others besides mine. my name is Lesli Sartin, i don’t know how i got here. my muscles know how to work my rigging gun and close up my vacsuit, and i know these words, so i must have a history. i had a few things on me when i woke up. my vacsuit, a rigging gun and 100m thread, a folding shove, and a salvage drone in a carrying case. i’ve got cryosickness, hopefully i can find a stimpak soon. the other cryopods are occupied. ev

Stonehell Session 13

money money MONEY stock photo of someone holding a dagger, with a shadow behind it of the hand and dagger Emrys the mage Gringle the farmboy Henar the imperial scholar 16th of Sprout Cloudy Started out hiring some laborers to install a locked door in the newly cleared out racoon chambers, and moving all the equipment from the tool library to their new forward operating base. They left the laborers behind to delve into the dungeon. The Seekers returned to the tombs they avoided looting last time to follow up on the detect metal wand readings without dealing with orcs breathing over their shoulders. After barbequing some undead and hiding from "Da Dragon", they gathered upwards of 9000 gold pieces (note: i made a rule that the wand detects only 1000 coins or more, and mistakenly had it point to piles of less than 1000 coins. I just decided to give the party the gold. oops. its ok, if it were something with gold for xp that might mess the game up a little, but because we're

Stonehell Session 12

Raccoon annihilation (for the good of all raccoons) A botched brigand attack Orc friends and more mining Evon, new plaguebearer Gringle, Farmboy Ethex, rogue Henar, imperial scholar Emrys, mage 1st of Sprout Cloudy Got some downtime sorted. Emrys learned a new spell. Next week the militia is raiding the brigands. The party paid their rent to Skinny Dick and set off for Stonehell. The valley was quiet. The group decided it was finally time to deal with those unholy raccoons squatting in the halls to the north. They cleared out a few rabid raccoons, managing to get the drop on them and avoid any bites. Dragging them outside to be burned, Ethex spotted some movement in the woods. 5 brigands, arranging themselves for an ambush. They retreated inside informed the party, and discussion ensued. There was a lot of talk here about what to do with the ambush. Most of the session actually. Sometimes I worry about giving away too much information, since there's no "perception" skill

Stonehell Session 11

Physics Skirting Da Dragon Chemistry 24th of Melt Beautiful spring weather Gringle Farmboy Ethex the Rogue Emrys the Mage The Hellseekers bought a lot of rope, and left for Stonehell. They wanted to check out the glass orb at the bottom of the waterfall in the valley. Ethex borrowed some waterbreathing herbs from Soot and gave them to Gringle. He ate them, tied the ropes to his waist, and dove into the clear pool. Sinking down, he felt the current pulling him towards the glass orb embedded in stone, but when touching it nothing happened. He used a the Feather Wand from Emrys to make the orb as light as a feather, and with a successful strength save levered it out of the stone with his newly purchased sword. It began floating to the top of the pool, creating a small whirlpool. The party did some tests, and removed it from the water. They successfully guessed that it was creating an "infinite flow" situation, just as the waterfall started to dwindle. Deciding that it was a litt