wanted to play a little, but i don't want to run it rn and don't know anyone nearby who's gonna run it soon. trying out the gradient descent megadungeon. been thinking a lot about nihei's manga. rolled up Lesli Sartin, they/them, teamster, sharp cheekbones. vacsuit, rigging gun, salvage droid w/ 2 hours of charge. patched overalls. backpatch reading [DO YOU SIGN MY PAYCHECKS?]. they woke up frozen in a cryopod at the center of the megastructure Gradient Descent 33c - 0:10 i woke up in an improvised cryochamber. the pods are jury rigged, there are 9 others besides mine. my name is Lesli Sartin, i don’t know how i got here. my muscles know how to work my rigging gun and close up my vacsuit, and i know these words, so i must have a history. i had a few things on me when i woke up. my vacsuit, a rigging gun and 100m thread, a folding shove, and a salvage drone in a carrying case. i’ve got cryosickness, hopefully i can find a stimpak soon. the other cryopods are occupied. ev...