Solo Mothership S.3

artifacts galore

panic in the guts

solace, answers, and questions

28a - 5:00

i found a small metal room with a corpse in the center. its abdomen was torn open. i saw something reflect from the flashlight. i reached in and pulled out 6 dark marbles, covered in gore. i ran.

25b - 5:10

fancy bathroom with smashed porcelain. some writing scrawled on a mirror about the minotaur? screws were loose so i pried it open. found a custom rigging gun with a note “ishmael sends his regards”. barbed harpoon, and a battery pack that looks like it’ll send off a mean shock. also found a small plastic canister.

25a - 5:20

an empty lounge. leather recliners and an empty bar. elevator and a fancy electronically locked door. took the lift up.

22c - 5:50

long ass squeaky elevator ride. pretty unnerving.

22b - 6:00

i found a reception area. a corpse swings from an electrical cord, dripping. i think i found the exit.

22a - 6:10

i took a long winding staircase up, until the gravity dropped out. pushing myself forward i came to an airlock. it was locked. i knocked and knocked, and finally a man showed up. shaved head, he seemed extremely frightened when he saw me, but he still let me in.

he told me my name, Lesli Sartin, and his own, Arkady. I made it out of the complex, somehow, despite having disappeared for 20 years. i was a diver, like he used to be, that had ventured into the complex seeking a fortune. he had been new at the time, and i had showed him the ropes a little, and then promptly disappeared with my crew. he retired shortly afterwards.

i told him what little that i remembered, and asked how i could leave. i can’t. he said my best chance is finding a couple million creds in artifacts and bribing my way out through the blockade. guess i’m going to have to go back in.

he lent me a place to rest in the bell, for now. i think he’s very suspicious of me, understandably so.


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