Solo Mothership S.2

first panic fail

gearing up

diver encounters

34b - 2:20

blown out computer terminals, burst open with cables like entrails. they’re arranged in some sort of latticework at the center. i edged around. i managed to find a live wire, and i jury rigged a charger for the drone. 2 more hours of battery.

34c - 2:30

a gaping void, stinking of burning plastic. i saw a few bouts of electricity passing through the air in the distance. nope.

34d - 3:00

ran into someone. her name is neal. nearly put a harpoon straight through her. long steel cylindrical hall, carved in the walls in every single language was “Born to Suffer”. Freaked me the fuck out, tried to fly through as fast as possible, ended up running into neal. pissed her off pretty bad. told me i could head back to that one maintenance hatch and it would lead me off the station, but she wouldn’t tell me much else. wouldn’t come with me. wouldn’t let me follow.

27a - 3:20

finally got some g’s back. crawled through the vents forever, finally got to a ladder and pulled myself up. small room, orange lighting. went through some lockers and found a fully loaded shotgun, painted on the barrel “THE BUCK STARTS HERE”. hinge from the vent was broken off

26c - 3:30

so much blood. i’m lucky, they weren’t looking

29a - 3:50

i climbed down a rusty ladder into darkness. as i walked through the twisting tunnels beyond, i shed my light on the walls to see walls of wet flesh. waves of liquid passed through them, always pulsing. ears sprouted occasionally. i bit my tongue and kept walking.

28c - 4:20

steel room with bulkhead doors. murals on the wall, childish stick figures being slaughtered. on the ceiling, a massive silver hand, pushing the figures into tunnels. it got to me. panic attack, my heart wouldn’t stop pumping. that feeling when its night, its dark, you walk through your house. you speed up a little, you don’t know why you just thought of that scary movie you watched years ago. its right behind you, it could’t be right behind you, its not real. you run. i ran. the room split, and split, and split, until i was squatting through a drainage pipe, thick chemicals running between my feet.

28b - 4:50

gears turning pumps pushing liquid. a body, caught between the gears. he was slowly getting ground down. i don’t think i could’ve gotten him out, i didn’t try. i took his revolver and electronic toolkit. i’m sorry i’m sorry i’m sorry i’m sorry i’m sorry i’m sorry i’m sorry i’m sorry i’m sorry i’m sorry i’m sorry i’m sorry i’m sorry i’m sorry i’m sorry i’m sorry i’m sorry i’m sorry i’m sorry i’m sorr


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