
Showing posts from February, 2024

Stonehell Session 6

Oops no Stonehell Impromptu Hexcrawl Goblin destruction Soot the giant dryad Casamir the ascetic Emrys the new magic user Aethelread II the mule The players spent the first 30 minutes discussing a plan for the dungeon. realizing they had downtime actions, they rolled and discovered that the healer Soot had been looking for was missing. They decided instead to rescue a kidnapped hedge witch healer from a Goblin Occupation Army a few days travel west. They purchased Aethelread II and set off with directions from the mayor. Travel 1.5 days west on a trail, take the fork north and travel another .5 day. The goblins will be camped in a forest to the west. This is as far as my prep went. Oops. Here's what I did. As the players discussed plans and dealt with inventory stuff, I went to the OSE random encounter generator and mashed until I found some ideas I liked. Using the travel rules from Errant, because Errant rocks, the Wolf Gang traveled west through a blizzard. They discovered an en

Stonehell Session 5

Aethelread the donkey gave his life:( Gringle the brigand joined the party Accidentally rich! 13th of Shadows, flurries Hell Raisers Casamir, Yslen, and Ethex, as well as Aethelread the donkey and Unready the cart, set forth through the frozen swamp and up into the foothills to reach Stonehell. They wanted to set up a stash for themselves, as well as deal with the slime, and potentially explore some more side rooms. Passing through the gatehouse tunnel unmolested, they went straight to the slime's chamber. Nothing was left of the goblins except their loincloths. Looking up, they discovered the massive slime taking up the entire ceiling of the room, filled with the mostly decomposed bones of the goblins. The 2lbs of chalk they purchased would not be enough to dissolve the now massive slime. They piled up some trash in front of the doorway to deter prey, wrote some warnings in chalk, and left. Hearing wolf howls from the east, they ventured west down the valley. They investigated a w

Stonehell Session 4

  We got our first scars! We bought a donkey! We did downtime rolls! 7th of Shadows DOWNTIME William Irons the merchant erected a granary to combat inflation. Elijah made progress on his search for a Sergeant of arms. Soot made progress on her search for a healer. Willard the Scholar searched through the mayor's private library, discovering the (incorrect) location of some magical glasses. Bernie the Blacksmith befriended the local blacksmith Wynne and gained full access to her meager forge. ADVENTURE Soot, Willard, Yslen, and Timur set out from Stonehome with the intention of digging through some of the caves of Stonehell Valley. Pushing through a blizzard, they made it to the valley without a hitch. Crawling around the ruined gatehouse, they made their way towards a carved out series of rooms in the northern limestone canyon walls. They heard some goblins in a side room, and set up a jugband/ambush to lure them out. Harmonica, pot and axe drum, longbow-bass, and washboard chainma

Stonehell Session 3

Stonehell Megadungeon, using Cairn and a bit of Errant We're on a tight 2.5 hr timelimit. this session was over discord, which went surprisingly well! Breagle the outlaw Casamir the ascetic monk Yslen the outlaw bard 25th of Shadows, sleet storm The seekers walked 8hr north without challenge and arrived at the valley. Skirting around the ruined gatehouse, they made their way further in to begin investigating the ruined buildings they saw briefly last session. All were empty but one, an old cathedral with a statue of St. Ras, a forgotten god of the Sterling Potentate. This intrigued Casamir, but so did the large pile of bear scat that was in the room with them. Casamir vowed to return to the statue to conduct a night of prayer. They decided to follow the bear's trail south, to a cave 20' up the cliff walls. Yslen lured Coal the black bear out with her harmonica playing; Cas and Breagle prepared to fight. Coal, a massive male bear, politely made his way down the cliff and las