Stonehell Session 3

Stonehell Megadungeon, using Cairn and a bit of Errant

We're on a tight 2.5 hr timelimit. this session was over discord, which went surprisingly well!

Breagle the outlaw
Casamir the ascetic monk
Yslen the outlaw bard

25th of Shadows, sleet storm

The seekers walked 8hr north without challenge and arrived at the valley.

Skirting around the ruined gatehouse, they made their way further in to begin investigating the ruined buildings they saw briefly last session. All were empty but one, an old cathedral with a statue of St. Ras, a forgotten god of the Sterling Potentate. This intrigued Casamir, but so did the large pile of bear scat that was in the room with them. Casamir vowed to return to the statue to conduct a night of prayer.

They decided to follow the bear's trail south, to a cave 20' up the cliff walls. Yslen lured Coal the black bear out with her harmonica playing; Cas and Breagle prepared to fight. Coal, a massive male bear, politely made his way down the cliff and last in front of Yslen, eventually earning himself a snack. The party decided they would find him a wife. Coal left the sleet and returned to his cave.

The seekers ventured north to another cave, this one inhabited by a mountain lion that wasn't home at the moment. Everyone made it up the 60' cliff, but Cas took some damage to his Dex in order to pass the save. Inside the cave, they found an old hermit's lodge (long abandoned) and a gnawed brigand corpse. They looted the corpse, and heard Cas scream from the entrance. The cat had returned! It rushed up the cliff to defend its den, but before it could reach the seekers they filled it with bolts. They spent an 8hr travel turn processing the cat's corpse into rations and a pelt, and traveled back to the statue of St. Ras.

On the way, they spotted some brigands making their way down into the valley, and eventually into some woods where they disappeared. Cas began his prayer as the others kept watch through the night.

Cas swore an oath to eliminate the world from wickedness, and cleanse Stonehell of its curse. St. Ras blessed him on his quest.

In the morning, the seekers left for the woods. After some experimentation they discovered the enchantment of the woods. Any being entering the forest had an illusion cast on them, making them appear as a tree. No sign of bandits.

The seekers made their way to the mouth of Stonehell, and entered into its depths.

They did not spend much time here, but completed a small loop of the dungeon, finding nothing but some deliciously dungeon-aged cheese.

They left the dungeon at the first sight of some giant centipede eggs, and made their way back to Stonehome.


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